Playback lab theater “Difficulties of translation” in Tbilisi ᐉ Events Schedule | YOLO
Playback lab theater “Difficulties of translation”

Playback lab theater “Difficulties of translation”

Playback lab theater “Difficulties of translation”
14, Akaki Khorava St, Tbilisi
Ticket price


Every one of us has faced translation difficulties at some point - and in the broadest sense! After all, it's not just about confusing მადლობა and გამარჯობა (a classic of the first weeks in Tbilisi) It is often as if we are speaking different languages to someone. And this gives birth to funny, curious situations, and sometimes even serious conflicts. The performance “difficulties of translation” will be based on the audience's stories about misunderstanding, communication difficulties, language learning, traveling and emigration. And if you have such a story - you too can tell it and become co-authors of our performance! And yes, if you couldn't translate a friend from tbc to credo, but it was really funny, tell it too! And we will show

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Playback lab theater “Difficulties of translation”


14, Akaki Khorava St, Tbilisi
Stand-up Club in the center of Tbilisi. Insides of bar and comedians' routine here
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