Restaurant Tsiskvili | Poster | Yolo
Restaurant Tsiskvili
Restaurant Tsiskvili
99 Beliashvili St., Tbilisi
The mill, Tsiskvili in Georgian, has an important place in the history of Georgia. Before the windmill was invented, people were using water mills to grind grain. The main components of this grinding mechanism were two flat stones that came into motion by flowing water energy. An old water mill and natural waterfall found on Beliashvili street determined the name and mission of “Tsiskvili Group”, to preserve ancient Georgian history, culture and cuisine by founding first high class Georgian restaurant in Tbilisi. Since 2002 on the coast of river Mtkvari unique Tsiskvili became a main sight of a huge restaurant complex that unites 4 different concept restaurants, maintains high quality service and is considered as one of the must visit places in Tbilisi. Besides restaurant chain in Tbilisi and Tskneti, “Tsiskvili Group” will amaze Georgian food market with its unique touch and offer new services with unfamiliar experiences.

Restaurant Tsiskvili

data Restaurant Tsiskvili