This story, on the one hand, touches upon the mythological Sun God Helios but, at the same time, has nothing to do with Greek mythology. In the play, Helios does not represent a person or a deity; instead, it is a symbolic key to self-discovery for individuals trapped in a vacuum of thought.
The main action takes place in a simulated world inside a mirrored room, where the inhabitants exist in a zombified, “asleep” state. Glued to their screens, they receive emergency broadcasts warning that “Helios” may appear in their world, urging caution among the population.
The society displays confusion, reacting differently to the information about Helios and forming various expectations about its arrival. Some see it as the emergence of a savior, a source of salvation.
The play highlights the crisis within this digitally confined society: stagnation, internal chaos and turmoil, conflicts with oneself and others, arrogance, feelings of inner emptiness, hypocrisy, and naivety that manifests in everyday life. Against the backdrop of this psychological crisis, members of the population offer each other pseudo-spiritual and personal growth services as well as superficial solutions.
Nevertheless, a small part of the population begins to sense and realize the mental traps and illusions of the mirrored room. This triggers a re-evaluation of values and attempts at self-reflection.
Suddenly, the broadcast is interrupted, heightening the intrigue surrounding Helios’s appearance and building to a climax.