New Year's art event "Carnival of Angels" in Tbilisi ᐉ Events Schedule | YOLO
New Year's art event

New Year's art event "Carnival of Angels"

Time: 14:00 - 17:00Organizer: Art Market Tbilisi (contemporary art gallery in Axis Towers)
New Year's art event "Carnival of Angels"
ჭავჭავაძის გამზ. 37მ
English, Georgian, Russian


We invite you to a New Year's art event, where live artists will create angels on canvas, paint candles and create an extraordinary New Year's mood ❤

We'll also have face painting and a New Year's Eve raffle, where an amazing piece of art will be raffled off! We are waiting for you ❤

Photos and videos

New Year's art event


Pullman Tbilisi Axis Towers
Pullman Tbilisi Axis Towers
ჭავჭავაძის გამზ. 37მ
Multifunctional complex in the center of the city, in Vake district (next to the Galaktion Tabidze monument)
All events at this location