A film featured in the Lift-Off Global Network's Lift-Off Filmmaker Sessions and V i d e o S o u n d A r c h i v e 10th season. The film is produced by Circe - an experimental platform for contemporary dance and theater in partnership with Saqanima and Metallique. “One Drop Of Blue” is the elixir of life, therefore without it there is no planet Earth, furthermore no mankind. The great secret that the world keeps is also in the water.
The Mtkvari river, which comes from the mountains in Turkey and flows into the Caspian Sea on the territory of Azerbaijan, tells us a story. As a result of archeological excavations, it was discovered that the objects found in the Caucasus in the Bronze Age belonged to the state of Urartu or to the Neolithic. These old settlements were spread between two big rivers Mtkvari and Araksi. This is where the name Mtkvari-Araksi Culture comes from.
Representatives of Mtkvari-Araksi culture left the Caucasus, went to Palestine through Northern Syria and Anatolia and arrived in Israel. There it was known as Khirbet-Kerak culture.