Nothing is too late as long as we are alive. It's just that everything is messed up in your head right now. You and I will put everything in its place, arrange it... we will clean it... if there is something extra, we will throw it away and the most important thing will remain - you and me. Well, look: in order for you and me to meet each other, how many things had to happen in the world--planetary disasters... The Russian revolution... first Lenin, then Stalin, repressions began, because of this you did not return to the Soviet Union, Hitler was supposed to appear in Germany, my books were set on fire in Berlin, on the square of the opera house... I became an immigrant and ended up here... what horrors did not happen, what tragedies... and finally we met each other... "Genius people commit less stupidity, make less mistakes in personal relationships, suffer less and hurt less, and they also give up everything for the happiness of the person they love, because genius people have more to lose, they feel more responsibility to improve the welfare of humanity, but nevertheless they are still ready to give up everything for their loved one.