The performance was directed by Tatiana Burel - actor of drama theater and cinema, senior lecturer of Department of Stage Speech and Vocal Performance.
Tatiana Burel on performance: "These are five children's operas. However, they are somewhat farcical, and it is difficult to call them real operas. It is children's musical theater for children older than 6. The performances are essentially psychological or therapeutic tales for families. Each opera lasts no more than ten minutes. All music and all lyrics are composed by the students themselves, and we did not use a single live instrument. Just like in a garage band, everything is put together somewhat hastily and amateurishly. On the stage, there are some benches and a huge wardrobe, whence all the scary stories that children adore come out. All the tales end well, since they are therapeutic. The stories are connected by the same storyteller, namely, a psychologist who needs psychological help himself Psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya: The only thing that is important to keep an eye on is that children are not afraid of relations with you and with the world in general. Cognitive activity does not tolerate strong and long-lasting stress. If children feel bad, scared and lonely, they do not care about education. One should not think that parents somehow have to manage to raise children so that they “would have nothing to fear. Complete absence of fear in a child is certainly not normal, as fear is an important adaptive reaction. It is by facing their own and others fears, by adapting to them and coping with them that children grow and mature. Don't shield them from everything that is scary - just be with them, when they need it. Hugs are our answer to all the threats in the world, even to the death itself, and you have to admit that there is something sublime in it"