Nips: Jeronimo with a Band - New Album Presentation in Tbilisi ᐉ Events Schedule | YOLO
Nips: Jeronimo with a Band - New Album Presentation

Nips: Jeronimo with a Band - New Album Presentation

Price: I Basket - 30 Gel II Basket - 50 Gel At Door - 60 Gel Age Control: +18
Nips: Jeronimo with a Band - New Album Presentation
14 Queen Tamar Ave., Tbilisi
English, Georgian, Russian


We are proud to announce that our hip-hop nights have taken a deeper dive than ever before. On April 26th, the masters of noise will take the stage once again! One of the best M.C's, Jeronimo, will present his new album - "ბოლო გვერდი" with symphonic accompaniment by a band.

The night will feature interesting play between the instruments and beats - with hip-hop set from local deejay Daisi and special appearances from Erekle Deisadze & Dzebnilebi. Later on, multi-instrumentalist Mush One, beatmaker Terika and local dj Daisi, mostly will turn our space into the ultimate bounce station.

Photos and videos

Nips: Jeronimo with a Band - New Album Presentation


14 Queen Tamar Ave., Tbilisi
Night in the Panther's Skin is a Night Club in Tbilisi, Georgia
All events at this location