A cozy conversation about Georgian New Year traditions with historian Tamar Tavadze in Tbilisi ᐉ Events Schedule | YOLO

A cozy conversation about Georgian New Year traditions with historian Tamar Tavadze

Let's talk about this and not only with the treats and sounds of the Georgian musical “Melodies of the Verian Quarter” by George Shengelaya, which was customary to watch on New Year’s Eve. Let's dress up chichilaki, discuss the unique sense of humor and love of life of the nation, as well as other striking features of Georgian culture, concentrated in the most vibrant traditions! Come if you already know a lot of interesting things about traditions and can share something with others. Come if you are new to Georgia and want to immerse yourself in this warm atmosphere of the approaching New Year! Tamar Tavadze is an author of guidebooks, founder of the “Unknown Tbilisi” community, a guide who has access to unique city archives.Cost: 35 ₾Limited number of seats.
A cozy conversation about Georgian New Year traditions with historian Tamar Tavadze
11 V. Petriashvili St., Tbilisi


Let's get together on Sunday evening and talk about Georgian New Year traditions.

  • On what day can you become a “mekvle” and what is a lucky leg in Georgian
  • What is it impossible to imagine a Georgian New Year's feast without?
  • Where does Georgian Tovlis Babua live?
  • What is sung about in “Mravaljamier” for the New Year?


Sami Residence
Sami Residence
11 V. Petriashvili St., Tbilisi
Space for communication and education
All events at this location