Musical stand up with Teffi in Tbilisi ᐉ Events Schedule | YOLO
Musical stand up with Teffi

Musical stand up with Teffi

The evening will take place on the stage of the Imedi Cultural Center (David Agmashenebeli Avenue, 106, Marjanishvili metro station, you need to go into the arch of building 106, walk 50 meters through the courtyard, on the right is a house with colored flags, go up to the 2nd floor to the theater hall). Ticket price 15 GEL (early booking). You can pay to account GE90BG0000000557659271 (marked Teffi) or before the start of the reading - 20 GEL. We are waiting for you on June 28 at 19.00. Lara Isaeva + Anya Grig = Nadya Teffi
Musical stand up with Teffi
106, D. Aghmashenebeli Ave.


The perfume was named after her. Chocolates were named after her. She aroused the envy of women and the admiration of men. Her books were read to the gills. The Queen of Russian humor is what Nadezhda Teffi was called at the beginning of the 20th century. Her literary career was brilliant. She was wildly popular and discussed - a hooligan with an amazing sense of humor. She was loved both in Russia and in Paris. But in the fall of 1919, she boarded a ship and left her homeland forever... Our musical stand-up (reading with songs) is funny, stylish, and surprisingly modern stories by Teffi performed by Lara Isaeva, and French chanson, jazz, and Russian romances performed by Anna Grieg.

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Musical stand up with Teffi


Cultural Center
Cultural Center "Imedi"
106, D. Aghmashenebeli Ave.
Cultural Center
All events at this location