“Culture in Animals” - the fifth lecture from Sergei Lopatin’s course “Biology of Behavior” in Tbilisi ᐉ Events Schedule | YOLO
“Culture in Animals” - the fifth lecture from Sergei Lopatin’s course “Biology of Behavior”

“Culture in Animals” - the fifth lecture from Sergei Lopatin’s course “Biology of Behavior”

🗣 Speaker: Sergey Lopatin, teacher and popularizer of biology💳 Prepaid cost - 25₾, on the day of the lecture - 30₾, broadcast - 20₾. Subscription to all broadcasts - 100₾📝 Sign up via direct message
“Culture in Animals” - the fifth lecture from Sergei Lopatin’s course “Biology of Behavior”
22, S. Janashia St., Tbilisi


Wikipedia says that culture is people’s norms, customs, technologies, etc. So uninteresting. And it's not fair! Biology looks at this term differently and this allows us to look at the species around us in a completely different way.

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“Culture in Animals” - the fifth lecture from Sergei Lopatin’s course “Biology of Behavior”


22, S. Janashia St., Tbilisi
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