Collage sketching in the "Zazerkal'e"! in Tbilisi ᐉ Events Schedule | YOLO

Collage sketching in the "Zazerkal'e"!

December 28, Thursday🕰 18:30✏️ PM me @darjazar💰 With your own materials 15₾, with those provided by the organizers - 25₾📍Zazerkal'e, Okrokana, 13
Collage sketching in the "Zazerkal'e"!
13 Okrokana St., Tbilisi
English, Georgian, Russian


In 1.5 hours of collage sketches of a model in underwear, we will do several exercises that will help you feel more confident with paper in your hands, develop a sense of composition and lead to non-standard solutions for both beginners and experienced creators 🤹‍♂️ ✨️

The event is hosted by a professional illustrator and collage artist

Posing 😍

Number of places for participants – 10 💥


13 Okrokana St., Tbilisi
Art-space in Sololaki, where various thematic lectures, master-classes, clubs, fairs, meetings, evenings and other events are held.
All events at this location