Psychoanalytic conference “Formations of the unconscious” in Tbilisi ᐉ Events Schedule | YOLO
Psychoanalytic conference “Formations of the unconscious”

Psychoanalytic conference “Formations of the unconscious”

Reports will be prepared by speakers from France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Argentina, Indonesia, Russia and the Republic of Belarus. Online participation is possible.The conference is intended for everyone interested in psychoanalysis, as well as practicing specialists. You will find the registration link on the website (in highlights)
Psychoanalytic conference “Formations of the unconscious”
5 Nishnianidze St., Tbilisi


At the end of May, a psychoanalytic conference “Educations of the Unconscious” will be held in Tbilisi.

We have chosen three topics that allow us to problematize the status of psychoanalysis in modern times:

24.05: clinic (about the technique and practice of analysts today, about issues affecting practice)

25.05: communities (what concerns the interaction of analysts in communities, ways of transmitting psychoanalysis, ethics and work organization)

26.05: imaginary theory (theoretical developments and their development through Lacan’s mathematics, logic, topology, projective geometry)

Photos and videos

Psychoanalytic conference “Formations of the unconscious”


Itaka books Tbilisi
Itaka books Tbilisi
5 Nishnianidze St., Tbilisi
Bookstore of new and old books by Stas Gaivoronsky
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