September 6 (Friday) at 20:00 lecture by Kirill Maslennikov “Astronomy News. August 2024" in Tbilisi ᐉ Events Schedule | YOLO
September 6 (Friday) at 20:00 lecture by Kirill Maslennikov “Astronomy News. August 2024

September 6 (Friday) at 20:00 lecture by Kirill Maslennikov “Astronomy News. August 2024"

September 6 (Friday) at 20:00 lecture by Kirill Maslennikov “Astronomy News. August 2024"
22, S. Janashia St., Tbilisi
Ticket price
from 15


We like the “latest news” format more and more - each time they allow us to look at the Universe and what is happening in our science from an unexpected side August news includes: XXXII General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, achieving a record resolution of 15 microarcseconds on the Event Horizon Telescope, the possible role of dark matter in the formation of supermassive black holes in the Early Universe, the discovery of new stray planets with the James Webb Telescope - and that’s not all ! Maslennikov Kirill Lvovich, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Pulkovo astronomer, “Astroded”

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September 6 (Friday) at 20:00 lecture by Kirill Maslennikov “Astronomy News. August 2024


22, S. Janashia St., Tbilisi
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