July 16 (Tuesday) at 20:00 “Vestibular apparatus” - the third lecture from Sergei Lopatin’s course “Neurobiology of Perception” in Tbilisi ᐉ Events Schedule | YOLO

July 16 (Tuesday) at 20:00 “Vestibular apparatus” - the third lecture from Sergei Lopatin’s course “Neurobiology of Perception”

Speaker: Sergey Lopatin, teacher and popularizer of biology Cost for prepayment - 25₾, on the day of the lecture - 30₾, broadcast - 20₾  Subscription to all broadcasts - 100₾ Sign up with @auditoria_tbi
July 16 (Tuesday) at 20:00 “Vestibular apparatus” - the third lecture from Sergei Lopatin’s course “Neurobiology of Perception”
22, S. Janashia St., Tbilisi


First, we need the perception of the environment to actively interact with it. In the third lecture of the series, we will feel this connection most acutely


22, S. Janashia St., Tbilisi
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